Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a former elven wizard expresses his condolences

Nice obit on Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons. I began playing in 1980, and didn't stop for a time longer than I'm willing to admit publicly. I didn't realize his involvement in TSR, the company he created to sell the game, ended in 1985, nor that he was a big proponent of the role playing aspect of the game. Reading, and rereading the rules, one had the sense Gary just was the dice and chart guy.

(For the counterpoint of Gygax's legacy, check out the Gygax obit on Slate. Be sure to check out readers' reactions to the story. Cogent + Geeky = No wonder you didn't get laid until the Internet company you founded issued its IPO.)

Of interest in the photo -- not me, by the way; google image seach -- is the purple dice bag. Seen it before? Course you have! It's a Crown Royal velvet baggy thingy. Much coveted in the high school geek world. The pointed ears, not so much.

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